이전번호 | 주제명 | 작성일자 | 다운로드 |
1 | Anaconda 3 Installation Guide | 2022-03-07 | 다운로드(Download) |
2 | Visual Studio Code(User) Installation Guide | 2022-03-07 | 다운로드(Download) |
3 | Bitnami WAMP Installation Guide | 2022-03-07 | 다운로드(Download) |
4 | Visual Studio Code Language C, Python 3.x Installation Guide | 2022-03-16 | 다운로드(Download) |
5 | Eclipse - Svn Client Guide | 2022-03-22 | 다운로드(Download) |
6 | Virtual SVN Server Installation guide | 2022-03-22 | 다운로드(Download) |
7 | Visual Studio Code - SVN Client guide(TortoiseSVN) | 2022-03-22 | 다운로드(Download) |
8 | Linux / Ubuntu 20.04 - Visual Studio Code(C, Python) | 2022-04-14 | 다운로드(Download) |
9 | Jupyter notebook - Specific directory setting guide | 2022-04-16 | 다운로드(Download) |
10 | Ubuntu 20.04 - Mysql Basic / control(external connect Settings, Create User, Create DB, grant, revoke db, drop user) | 2022-04-16 | 다운로드(Download) |
11 | Ubuntu 20.04 - VirtualBox 6 (Port Forwarding) Guide | 2022-04-16 | 다운로드(Download) |
12 | Node.js, React.js - Hello World Guide | 2022-05-06 | 다운로드(Download) |
13 | OpenCV 4(MS Windows) - Hello World Guide | 2022-05-10 | 다운로드(Download) |
14 | Raspberry PI4 - USB memory, sd card image burning | 2022-05-20 | 다운로드(Download) |
15 | Raspberry PI4 and Camera Opencv, Bluetooth Install Guide | 2022-05-20 | 다운로드(Download) |
16 | Raspberry PI4 - Python 3.9.2 Tensorflow install Guide | 2022-05-23 | 다운로드(Download) |
17 | Raspberry PI4 - Protobuf install Guide(ref: Python 3.9.2 Tensorflow) | 2022-06-08 | 다운로드(Download) |
18 | Raspberry PI4 - Wiringpi and Python | 2022-07-01 | 다운로드(Download) |
19 | Debian 11 - Mariadb 10.05 Setting Guide(Create User, Grant, DB, server.cnf) | 2022-07-09 | 다운로드(Download) |
20 | Debian 11 - SVNserve repos Setting guide | 2022-07-09 | 다운로드(Download) |
21 | Ubuntu 22.04 - Xrdp, Xfce4 Setting guide | 2022-07-16 | 다운로드(Download) |
22 | Ubuntu Server 22.04 - Wireless Setting guide | 2022-07-16 | 다운로드(Download) |
23 | Ubuntu Server 22.04 - Hadoop 3.3.3 Cluster Setting guide | 2022-07-16 | 다운로드(Download) |
24 | 3D Printer / 신도리코 3dswox 1 User Guide | 2022-09-06 | 다운로드(Download) |
25 | Git, Github, Gitlab User Guide |
2022-10-22 (Updated 12-09) |
다운로드(Download) |
26 | Git, Ubuntu 22.04 Install Guide | 2022-11-05 | 다운로드(Download) |
27 | QGroundControl Development Setting Guide | 2022-11-05 | 다운로드(Download) |
28 | Qt5, Ubuntu 22.04 install guide | 2022-11-05 | 다운로드(Download) |
29 | Ubuntu 22.04 QGC Development Guide | 2022-11-05 | 다운로드(Download) |
30 | Let's encrypt - SSL Settings(Apache 2.4, Ubuntu 22.04) | 2022-12-14 | 다운로드(Download) |
31 | Let's encrypt - SSL Renew and crontab(Apache 2.4, Ubuntu 22.04) | 2022-12-14 | 다운로드(Download) |
32 | Let's encrypt - SSL and gitlab with Ubuntu 22.04 | 2022-12-14 | 다운로드(Download) |
33 | NFS Guide with Ubuntu 22.04 | 2022-12-14 | 다운로드(Download) |
34 | NFS Booting mount guide with Ubuntu 22.04 | 2022-12-14 | 다운로드(Download) |
35 | Linux Apache 2.4, MariaDB, PHP 8.1, Laravel 9 Settings Guide with Ubuntu 22.04 | 2022-12-26 | 다운로드(Download) |
36 | LetsEncrypt - Tomcat 9, Ubuntu 22.04 Multi Domain, Multi SSL guide | 2023-01-26 | 다운로드(Download) |
37 | LetsEncrypt and Crontab guide (Ubuntu 22.04) | 2023-01-26 | 다운로드(Download) |
38 | Apache 2.4 - mod_proxy and SSL Redirect guide (Ubuntu 22.04) | 2023-02-10 | 다운로드(Download) |
39 | Spring boot 3 - gradle / Web Distribute guide (Ubuntu 22.04) | 2023-02-10 | 다운로드(Download) |
40 | Ubuntu Server 20.04(22.04) - Korean Language Problem | 2023-03-05 | 다운로드(Download) |
41 | Ubuntu Server 20.04(22.04) - Gitlab command guide | 2023-03-05 | 다운로드(Download) |
42 | AI / PyTorch, CUDA, Miniconda, Anaconda, ipykernel, Shell with nohup anaconda - Setting guide | 2023-04-01 | 다운로드(Download) |
43 | AI / Jupyter Notebook - Setting guide | 2023-04-16 | 다운로드(Download) |
44 | Apache 2.4 - proxypass, rewrite, htaccess conf - Setting guide | 2023-04-26 | 다운로드(Download) |
45 | MS Windows 11, Ubuntu 22.04(WSL2), Cuda 12.1, xrdp, pytorch, ide setup - Setting guide | 2024-01-28 | 다운로드(Download) |
46 | MS Windows 11, Ubuntu 22.04(WSL2), anaconda3, Pycharm, Vscode, Remote WSL2(VSCode) - Setting guide | 2024-01-28 | 다운로드(Download) |
47 | Ubuntu Desktop 24.04, OpenSSH 포트변경, GNOME xrdp 설치, 바이오스 설정, no GPU-headless monitor 설정 - Setting guide | 2024-08-02 | 다운로드(Download) |
48 | Ubuntu Desktop 24.04, xrdp, xfce4, ibus-hangul 물리 환경 - Setting guide | 2024-08-09 | 다운로드(Download) |
49 | Django 사용법(기본) - Setting guide | 2024-08-13 | 다운로드(Download) |
50 | Yahboom Jetson nano B01/Sub eMMC, USB - install guide(ubuntu 18.04) | 2024-08-31 | 다운로드(Download) |
51 | NVIDIA Jetson nano - CUDA 11.8, OpenCV 4.5, YOLOv8, pytorch, torchvision, glibc, jetpack install guide(ubuntu 18.04) | 2024-09-08 | 다운로드(Download) |
52 | Yahboom Jetson nano B01 Sub - eMMC to udisk 디스크 이미지 만들기, Ubuntu 20.04 업그레이드 설명서 | 2024-09-12 | 다운로드(Download) |
53 | Yahboom Jetson nano B01 Sub - Jetpack 4.6.5, TensorRT 8.2.6, VPI 설치 설명서(Ubuntu 20.04 적용) | 2024-09-13 | 다운로드(Download) |